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Trouble with Finding? Search Here 劇集 / 綜藝節目搜尋

2010年6月30日 星期三

Calling For Love《呼叫大明星》2010 偶像劇

English Title/英文:《Calling For Love》,《Calling Big Star》

Chinese Title/中文:《呼叫大明星》


Mike He, Charlene Choi, Chen Zhi Kai, Zhou Cai Shi



Oversea Broadcast Period/播出時期:2010年05月09日




Mike He plays a reluctant big star who entered the entertainment industry to support his family. Now that he has earned enough money and his contract about to end, he happily starts planning for the next stage of his life. Around the same time, unfortunate financial downturn struck his agent, his sister and his best friend. Feeling obligated to help them he contemplates on renewing his contract. Totally depressed by this thought, he buys a lotto ticket hoping that he can win the big one and save him from this dilemma. As luck would have it, he wins the jackpot but loses the ticket before he can cash it. Now he is chasing after a taxi driver, played by Charlene Choi, all over town in order to get it back.


預告片 Preview

第1集 Episode 1

第2集 Episode 2

第3集 Episode 3

第4集 Episode 4

第5集 Episode 5

第6集 Episode 6

第7集 Episode 7

第8集 Episode 8

第9集 Episode 9

第10集 Episode 10

第11集 Episode 11

第12集 Episode 12

第13集 Episode 13

第14集 Episode 14

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